ASME's Mechanical Engine…ing Toolkit 1997 December
ASME's Mechanical Engineering Toolkit 1997 December.iso
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File List
45 lines
readme.1st Information about MechEng
readme.txt Information about this CDROM
docs\ CDROM Catalog, VIEW / Image Viewer Instructions
setup.exe Install this CDROM to a Windows 3.1/95/NT machine
ai\ Prolog, LISP, expert systems, neural nets, and related
astro\ Astronomy, space flight, and unearthly things
auto_cad\ Enhancements, AutoLisp, and drawings
basic\ Turbo, Quick, GW, and others
biology\ Life sciences, medical, etc.
c_lang\ C language code and tools, C++, Turbo, Microsoft
cad_elec\ CAD for electronics, both circuits and layout
cad_gen\ CAD systems & tools, general purpose and dedicated
case\ Computer Aided Software Engineering
dbase\ Database systems and accessories
design\ Basic mechanical design for belts, bearings, motors, etc.
diver\ Interesting diversions for engineering types
dynamics\ Freq response, Classic & Modern control, dynamics, and simulati
earth\ Geophysical sciences, maps, weather, oceans, atmosphere etc.
edu_comp\ Tutorials and information files relating to computers
edu_gen\ General, languages, non-tech info, lists, books, and articles
edu_kid\ Educational files for future engineers
edu_tech\ Technical Math tutors, technical education, and information
edu_tool\ Tools for teachers and educators
elec_eng\ Circuits, devices, data, emulators, and more
fea_str\ Finite element analysis, stress, strain, and related prgm
fluid\ Fluids, compressible & otherwise, including aerodynamics
fortran\ FORmula TRANslater
graph\ screen graphics, image tools, video drivers
hvac\ Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
intel\ 80x86 assemblers, debugers, code, and hardware level tools
mac\ Macintosh family of computers
main_frm\ Mainframe utilities
math\ Math tools, function plotting, spreadsheets, and calculators
mech_eng\ General and specific engineering tools
mgmt\ Managment, accounting, planning, & business tools
other\ Pascal programming, Microsoft, Turbo, and others
physics\ Periodic tables and element descriptions
plot\ Plotting data, curve fit, and scientific data presentation
primary\ System file lists, compression prgms, user guides
stat\ Statistical programs and utilities
thermo\ Thermodynamics
win_eng\ MS-Windows programs in support of engineering & technology
win_gen\ General MS-Windows programs